Thursday, December 03, 2020



                    Future Tense

   Simple Future Tense


1. Affirmative:- Subj. + will/shall + V1 + obj.                                

     He will call you.

2. Negative:- Subj. + will/shall + not + V1 + obj.                         

      He will not call you.

3. Interrogative:- Will/shall+  subj. + V1 + obj?                           

     Will he call you?

4. Inter & neg:- (i) Will/shall+  subj. +not + V1 + obj?                       

    Will he not call you?


(ii)   Will/shall+ not +subj. + V1 + obj?                Won’t he call you?


(iii)    Wh. + will/shall+  subj. +not + V1 + obj?              

    Why will he not call you?


  (iv)     Wh. + will/shall+ not +subj. + V1 + obj?                 

   Why won’t he call you?


             Important Rules

Rule 1. We generally use ‘shall’ for 1st  person pronoun (I, we) and ‘will’ for 2nd person pronouns.


     1.  India will win the match.

     2. You will be 25 next Monday.

Note- In modern English, we can use ‘will’ with I & we but in interrogative sentences, we must use only ‘shall’ with I & we.


1. Will we have lunch? (incorrect)

2. Shall we have lunch? (correct)

Rule 2.  Future meaning can also be represented in the following ways without using ‘will / shall’.


    1. It is about to rain. 

    2. We are going to have lunch.

    3. The movie releases on the 25th of December. 

    4. He is to attend his friend’s marriage tomorrow.

         Future Continuous Tense


1.Affirmative:-  Subj. + will/shall + be V1st + ing + obj.               

     He will be telling a lie.

2. Negative:- Subj. + will/shall + not + be V1st + ing + obj.   


   He will not be telling a lie.

3. Interrogative:- Will/shall + subj.+ be V1st + ing + obj?            

   Will he be telling a lie?

4. Inter & neg:-( i) 

shall/ will+subj+not+be+V1st +ing+obj?     Will he not be telling a lie?


 (ii)   Will/shall + not + subj.+ be V1st + ing + obj?                          

  Won’t he be telling a lie?

 (iii)    Wh + will/shall + subj.+ not + be V1st + ing + obj?                  

    Why will he not be telling a lie?

   (iv)  Wh + will/shall + not + subj.+ be V1st + ing + obj?                    

  Why won’t he be telling a lie?


                 Important Rules

Rule 1. It is used to express an action that will be in progress at a time in the future.


   1. This time tomorrow, I shall be watching cricket on T.V.

    2. When you reach there, he will be teaching English.

Rule 2. To express actions planned to take place in the future.


   1. The train will be arriving soon.

   2. He will be staying with us till Saturday.

                  Future Perfect Tense


1. Affirmative:- Subj. + will/shall + have + V3rd + obj.            

    He will have taken lunch.

2. Negative:- Subj. + will/shall + not+  have + V3rd + obj.       

   He will not have taken lunch.

3. Interrogative:-  Will/shall + subj. + have + V3rd + obj?       

    Will he have taken lunch?

4. Inter & neg:- (i) will /shall + subj. not+  have + V3rd + obj?    

    Will he not have taken lunch?

  (ii)    Will/shall + not+ subj. have + V3rd + obj?                    

    Won’t he have taken lunch?


(iii)  Wh. + will/shall + subj. not+  have + V3rd + obj?           

 Why will he not have taken lunch?

   (iv) Wh. + will/shall + not+ subj. have + V3rd + obj?         

    Why won’t he have taken lunch?

           Important Rules

Rule 1. It is used to express actions that will be completed by a certain time in the future.


1. I shall have completed my assignment by the end of April.

If two actions take place in the future, the former must be in the future perfect tense and the latter in the simple present.



 (i) perfect tense + before/when + simple present .

 (ii)   Simple present tense + after + future perfect tense .


1. When you will reach the station, the train will have departed. (incorrect)

1. When you reach the station, the train will have departed. (correct)

2. After he will have left for school, I will go to his home. (incorrect)

2. After he will have left for school, I go to his home. (correct)

3. By the time she will understand anything, the thief will have fled. (incorrect)

3. By the time she understands anything, the thief will have fled. (correct)



  Future Perfect continuous tense


Subj. + will have / shall have + V1st + ing + obj. + for/ from + time.


   1. He will have been reading a novel for 2 hours.

   2. He will not have been reading a novel for 2 hours.

   3. Will he have been reading a novel for 2 hours?

   4. Will he not have been reading a novel for 2 hours?

               Important Rule

Rule 1. It is used to express an action which will continue over a period of time that will end in the future.


  1. He will have been teaching English since 2020. (incorrect)

  2. He will have been teaching English from 2020. (correct)

Note- ‘Since’ is replaced by from because ‘since’ is definite and future is indefinite/uncertain.

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